Dear sir/ madam
I am Mr. Lee of, in charge of selling cars to overseas from Korea.
I have met a new client who wants to build his business in Angola.
Angola market is one of the main market of mine. it has been long time ago when economic risk hit the whole parties in Angola. "something broken" means it needs to be rebuild in the future.
if you keep on eyes on their recovery about economic from past for 5 years, you will see the possibilities.
recovery has been started
people`s demand for getting over from bad situation and increasing currency value has made to do something .
the amount of selling cars to Angola has been increasing from now on. it proves of recovery of Angola.
mostly, the people need me for understanding their business make it safely. this new client, new partner needs me as well to understanding used car business.
after his trip to Korea, following up his inquiry.
if you are looking for building used car business in Angola, now it is good time to do something.
God bless you all.
thanks. i am Mr. Lee.